my son the waiter,theater show,comedy ,jewish comedy,Indian Wells Theater Palm Desert

My Son The Waiter - Indian Wells Theater Palm Desert

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(561) 586-6410
My son the waiter,performance,theater,comedy show,comedy event,palm desert,

My Son The Waiter


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My Son The Waiter - A Jewish Tragedy

Indian Wells Theater at CSUSB Palm Desert located at 37500 Cook Street in Palm Desert, CA 92211.

Actor/Comedian Brad Zimmerman's hilarious and inspiring story about the grit and passion required to 'make it' as an artist and the sweet rewards that come from never giving up on your dream.

If you ever longed for something, If you ever desired it with all your heart, If you were willing to wait tables for 29 years to pursue your dream then My Son The Waiter will give meaning to your Life!

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February 15 & 16, 2025; Sat. 2 & 7:30; Sun. 2pm

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