Archway Industrial Coatings Inc. in St. Charles logo

Archway Industrial Coatings in St. Charles


(314) 518-8485

Archway Industrial Coatings


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$250 - $1500 off any new installation

Residential/Commercial, Floor Coating/Concrete Resurfacing Experts

Looking for a way to solve cracked concrete problems, or simply want a durable floor that will last long and look great? Contact Archway Industrial Coatings, in Saint Charles, Missouri, where we specialize in resurfacing and repairing residential and commercial floors, as well as applying floor coatings. We perform full river rock installation, where we resurface with our most popular finish, Pebblestone Epoxy. Designed to work with the freeze and thaw cycle found in the Midwest, the smooth surface is ideal for driveways, pool decks, patios, garage floors and other uses. Don’t wait any longer, contact us today to discuss your needs, and save money by using our coupon.

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Monday - Friday 8am to 4pm

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Residential Services Concrete resurfacing for garages, pools and patios.
Industrial Coating Slip and fall protection, failing joints, floor drainage issues, concrete protection, concrete corrosion, worn and ugly floors, secondary containment and hard to clean floors.
Industrial Polishing Prolongs the life of your floor, eliminating fading in high traffic areas, moisture problems resistance and high lighting reflectivity.
Brick and Tile Services Re-grouting brick and tile floors, remove and replace loose bricks and tiles, repair damaged floor drains and installation of tile and brick floors.