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Lawn Doctor of Savannah, Georgia

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(912) 966-1123
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Lawn Doctor Of Savannah


Coupons for this service

free lawn evaluation
1/2 off 1st lawn care service or tree & shrub service
10% off deep root feeding of tree and shrubs

We Can Green Up Your Lawn Like Your Neighbor's Next Door

The 'greening' of your lawn just got easier when you see a Lawn Doctor truck pull up to the curb. Lawn Doctor of Savannah, GA offers reliable lawn care services that include fertilization, weed control, core aeration, tree and shrub services and pest control. Whew! We can get rid of your grubs, annihilate your ants and move your mole crickets in no time. Your lawn will look so nice, your kids may even put down their devices and go out and play - well, maybe not. Call today for a free lawn evaluation and save with our coupons above.

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Service Areas Lawn Doctor offers lawn care services to Savannah, GA making us convenient to Rincon, Pooler, Springfield and many other communities of the Greater Savannah area.