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Oak Family Dental - Oak Forest, Illinois

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(708) 925-0223
Oak Family Dental - Oak Forest, Illinois banner

Oak Family Dental


Coupons for this location

free exam & x-rays
$2,500 implant $1,250 abutment / crown $1,250
$750 zirconia crowns

Smile Awhile at Your Modern & Affordable Neighborhood Dentist

With routine dentist office visits and proper oral hygiene between exams, your teeth are meant to last a lifetime. Be sure to see the dentists at Oak Family Dental in Oak Forest, Illinois, for you oral exam, teeth cleaning and any additional dental care needed. We offer fillings, crowns, bridges & tooth veneers for damaged teeth, plus dentures implants and extractions when needed. Print our coupon and get on the path to good oral health care and save today.

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Monday-Thursday: 10am-6pm; Friday: 10am-4pm

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