Hours | Sunday |
| Monday | 8:00 AM | - | 6:00 PM | Tuesday | 8:00 AM | - | 6:00 PM | Wednesday | 8:00 AM | - | 6:00 PM | Thursday | 8:00 AM | - | 6:00 PM | Friday | 8:00 AM | - | 6:00 PM | Saturday | 8:00 AM | - | 2:00 PM |
24 Hour Emergency Towing Available
Payment Accepted |
Auto Services Offered
Hi-Tech Auto Service in Blawnox PA offers many auto maintenance services including car & truck oil changes, battery checks or battery replacements, general auto repairs, state inspections and emissions. Certified mechanic technicians on site can perform auto tune-ups, transmission flush and exhaust repairs. If tires or brakes need replaced, Hi-Tech Auto in Blawnox PA can replace them.
Car Product Brands Sold
Hi-Tech Auto in Blawnox PA offers the best products for your car care needs. Wolf's Head motor oil is used in car and truck oil change services. Anco Wiper blades can replace old wiper blades on your car windshield wipers. Choose an Interstate battery to replace your car battery. AC Delco and Bosh products are available too.
Hi-Tech Auto in Blawnox PA is a AAA Approved Auto Repair center in Pittsburgh PA. Certified and trained technicians complete all auto services and repairs.