Round Table Pizza in Petaluma, CA logo

Round Table Pizza in Petaluma, CA

Call Us For More Information

(707) 766-6999
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Round Table Pizza Petaluma West


Coupons for this location

15% off your order
50% off any large pizza
$49.99 1 medium specialty pizza, 1 medium single topping pizza and 6 twists

Best Time Honored Recipes and Gold Standard Ingredients

Our pizza was meant for Princes, Princesses and Knights of the Round Table Pizza in Petaluma, CA. We serve the finest gold standard ingredients with a noble crust, crowned with fresh tomato sauce and adorned with toppings from our royal recipe. Pizza that is fit for a King, is the pizza we feed your family. That's the way it has been in our Royal Court for 6 decades. Enjoy pizza like a King or Queen of the household. Thy pizza awaits thy presence. Thy coupons help you save on this treasure.