A major auto maintenance franchise targets potential customers and sees a 76% car count lift
Case study objective
To measure the effectiveness of Valpak in reaching potential customers in targeted areas and increasing shop traffic for a positive return on ad spend (ROAS).
Marketing strategy
- Custom postcard design with unique phone number, URL and QR code
Distribution & targeting
3 monthly postcard drops of 700 thousand+ homes (65 locations per drop). In select carrier routes, control groups were created that were not mailed but had similar customer penetration and demographics to target:
- Median property value
- Median household income
- Median age
- % owner occupied
- % households with children
- % Hispanic
Results of the case study
- 13,888 incremental service jobs with a 76% car count lift
- 10,782 incremental homes for a 70% household lift
- $140 average sale, an estimated $1.9 million in incremental sales
- 8:1 return on ad spend
Valpak mailed to carrier routes chosen based on distance and the highest customer penetration (some routes were mailed consecutively while others were rotated). The expertly designed custom postcards were delivered to precise locations targeted to data-backed territories mapped with a focus on the highest-yielding homes / areas. The overall results prove that continued frequency results in a high return on ad spend and lift in car count and sales.